The ZIGPOS company brings order to chaos

Dresden start-ups – Part 3

Zigpos Dresden
This small device has very special skills. © ZIGPOS

The young Dresden company Zigpos has developed sensors that make it possible to precisely locate objects inside and outside of rooms.

Creative disorder, chaos or entropy – there are many terms describing the circumstances that cause objects not to be where they are supposed to be. In a world that relies on a steady increase in order and e ciency, these are circumstances that cannot be tolerated – at least in an industrial setting.

Precise and constantly updatable localisability is the prerequisite nowadays for mass-produced goods to be manufactured and sold quickly and cheaply. The people at Zigpos think they have the answer.

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Small components with special skills

The young company from Dresden has developed small electronic components with special capabilities. Zigpos sensors make it possible to precisely locate objects on the inside and the outside of enclosed spaces. ‘Precise’ in this case means accurate to a few centime- tres. This is enough to guide robots reliably through large warehouses and to convey components through complex production processes. Zigpos sensors could even be used to locate people after natural disasters or in burning buildings.

This small device has very special skills.
© Zigpos

“You could say we bring light into the darkness,” says Erik Mademann, founder and CEO of Zigpos. For this, the engineers use a special wireless technology that operates over short distances. “What sets our technology apart is the precision of our localisation. This is very important for industrial companies and logisticians.”

Since 2011, the 20-strong team at Zigpos have been designing and manufacturing at their Dresden base and have made thorough use of the regional business network. “Silicon Saxony is a great opportunity for us to meet cus- tomers and to make useful contacts,” adds Mademann.

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